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Additional information about the health of our state, county, city, and neighborhoods

Do you want to know more about the health of our community, and what can be done to improve it? There are many good sources that describe the latest information about health right here in Sangamon County, Springfield and even in your neighborhood! Check out these websites to find out how healthy (or unhealthy!) we are as a community, and what evidence-based solutions we might employ to improve.


Reports, Articles, & Websites

The County Health Rankings

The County Health Rankings reports annually on measures of health outcomes and health factors at the county level. In the most recent rankings, Sangamon County ranks first in the state for its excellent clinical health care, but 85th of out 102 Illinois counties for its health outcomes! Learn more about why this is the case and what can be done about it by clicking here.

Illinois Department of Public Health


There is a wealth of information about Illinois on this site, including recent health news, and currently popular topics. Scroll to the bottom section of the first webpage to find details about specific health conditions and risk factors. Click here,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 500 Cities Project

This site offers information about local health-related conditions in the 500 largest cities in the United States. Much of the information is available by census tract, so you can see how things stack up right in your neighborhood, and you can compare Springfield to other cities throughout the country. Learn more here.

The City Health Dashboard


This site provides 37 measures of health, the factors that shape health, and drivers of health equity to guide local solutions for 500 U.S. cities. Much of the information is presented at the census tract level. This site includes more information about the social determinants of health compared to the 500 cities site. Click here,

Community Snapshot for Sangamon County


Memorial Health System's website offers extensive, interactive information about local measures of health and health care on its website, as part of its community benefits program. This link goes directly to a community snapshot of Sangamon County.

The Sangamon County Department of Public Health


Our local health department lists many of the services it provides on its website and includes some local health information as well.  Click here,

Community Health Needs Assessments


Our local hospitals, HSHS St. Johns’s Hospital and Memorial Medical Center are required to conduct community health needs assessments (CHNAs) every three years. These sites include the most recent CHNAs, and previous CHNAs are also provided here. Also, on the left sidebar the Memorial Health System webpage, click on Health Disparities, Community Dashboard, Demographic Profile, and Community Snapshot to see useful community-level information compiled by Conduent Healthy Communities Institute.

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