Racial Segregation
Racial Segregation is known to create and worsen health disparities for minority populations. Like many cities with comparable populations, Springfield is racially segregated to a degree that affects the health of our whole community. The Community Health Roundtable believes that focused, intentional interventions are needed in many civic, regulatory, and political processes to begin to reduce racial segregation and the burden it places on the health of our people.
Reports & Articles
Racial Segregation in Springfield and Downstate Illinois
This article in Governing Magazine detailed the racial segregation that affects many of our communities in Downstate Illinois. Read the article here.
The History of Racial Segregation in Health Care
This 2016 article from The Atlantic reviews the history of racial segregation in the US Health Care System. Click here,
Racial Segregation and Health
This 2016 post on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Culture of Health Blog describes why segregation affects the health of people and communities. Read about it here.
Reducing Racial Segregation
This 2015 Governing Magazine article looks at how several cities that have successfully addressed racial segregation. Click here,